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Education Web
Viewing 1-2 of 2 total results
 Growth, Poverty and Employment in Brazil, Chile and Mexico
London: Lynne Rienner/International Labour O rganisation, pp. 31-62. Khan, Azizur (2001). ’Employment Policies for Poverty Reduction’. Issues in Em ploym ent and Poverty, Discussion Paper 1, ILO , G eneva. Katz, Jorge and Jorge Stumpo (2001). ‘Regímenes Sectoriales, Producti...
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London: Lynne Rienner/International Labour O rganisation, pp. 31-62. Khan, Azizur (2001). ’Employment Policies for Poverty Reduction’. Issues in Em ploym ent and Poverty, Discussion Paper 1, ILO , G eneva. Katz, Jorge and Jorge Stumpo (2001). ‘Regímenes Sectoriales, Productividad y Competitividad Internacional’. Revista de la CEPAL, No. 75, Santiago de Chile: CEPAL. O smani S. R. (2006). ‘Exploring the Employment Nexus: The Analytics of Pro-Poor G rowth’, in Islam (2006) (ed.), op. cit., pp. 9-30.
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London: Lynne Rienner/International Labour O rganisation, pp. 31-62. Khan, Azizur (2001). &rsquo;Employment Policies for Poverty Reduction&rsquo;. Issues in Em ploym ent and Poverty, Discussion Paper 1, ILO , G eneva. Katz, Jorge and Jorge Stumpo (2001). &lsquo;Reg&iacute;menes Sectoriales, Productividad y Competitividad Internacional&rsquo;. <span class="highlight">Revista</span> de la CEPAL, No. 75, Santiago de Chile: CEPAL. O smani S. R. (2006). &lsquo;Exploring the Employment Nexus: The Analytics of Pro-Poor G rowth&rsquo;, in Islam (2006) (ed.), op. cit., pp. 9-30.
A Concise History of Liberation Theology
(published in seven languages) devoted a complete issue (vol. 6, no. 10, June 1974) to the subject of liberation theology, with all the articles coming from Latin American liberation theologians. A number of important reviews in Latin America have become regular vehicles for the publication of ar...
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