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4. Retell a story read aloud using main characters and events. 5. Participate in shared reading experiences. 6. Make predictions based on illustrations or portions of stories. 3.1.K H. Inquiry and Research 1. Locate and know the purposes for various literacy areas of the...
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4. Retell a story read aloud using main characters and events. 5. Participate in shared reading experiences. 6. Make predictions based on illustrations or portions of stories. 3.1.K H. Inquiry and Research 1. Locate and know the purposes for various literacy areas of the classroom and the library/media center. 2. Choose books related to topics of interest. Building upon knowledge and skills gained in the preceding grade, by the end of Grade 1, students will: 3.1.1 A. Concepts About Print 1. Match oral
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4. Retell a story read aloud <span class="highlight">using</span> main characters and events. 5. Participate in shared reading experiences. 6. Make predictions based on illustrations or portions <span class="highlight">of</span> stories. 3.1.K H. Inquiry and Research 1. Locate and know the purposes for various literacy <span class="highlight">areas</span> <span class="highlight">of</span> the classroom and the library/media center. 2. Choose books related to topics <span class="highlight">of</span> interest. Building upon knowledge and skills gained in the preceding grade, by the end <span class="highlight">of</span> Grade 1, students will: 3.1.1 A. Concepts About Print 1. Match oral