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 Core Content For Mathematics Assessment
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CCA 4.1 High School Practical Living/Vocational Studies AUGUST 2006 Bold – State Assessment Content Standard 131 Italics – Supporting Content Standard PL-HS-4.3.3 Students will explain and apply skills that are used to seek, obtain, and change jobs/careers and postsecondary opportunities...
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CCA 4.1 High School Practical Living/Vocational Studies AUGUST 2006 Bold – State Assessment Content Standard 131 Italics – Supporting Content Standard PL-HS-4.3.3 Students will explain and apply skills that are used to seek, obtain, and change jobs/careers and postsecondary opportunities: • conducting a job search • writing letters • networking • completing an application • securing a letter of reference • preparing a résumé • applying interview techniques (e.g., learn about employer/job
134 0
CCA 4.1 High School Practical Living/Vocational Studies AUGUST 2006 Bold &ndash; State Assessment Content Standard 131 Italics &ndash; Supporting Content Standard PL-HS-4.3.3 Students will explain and apply skills that are used to seek, obtain, and change jobs/careers and postsecondary opportunities: &bull; conducting a job <span class="highlight">search</span> &bull; writing letters &bull; networking &bull; completing an application &bull; securing a letter of reference &bull; preparing a r&eacute;sum&eacute; &bull; applying interview techniques (e.g., learn about employer/job
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be in conflict with the responsibility of the government to protect the &quot;common good&quot; (e.g., homeland security issues, environmental regulations, censorship, <span class="highlight">search</span> and seizure). DOK 2 SS-HS-1.3.3 Students will evaluate the impact citizens have on the functioning of a democratic government by assuming responsibilities (e.g., seeking and assuming leadership positions, voting) and duties (e.g., serving as jurors, paying taxes, complying with local, state and federal laws, serving in the armed forces