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 2006 Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework
American society and to provide the foundation for their further education in these areas if they seek it. The Nature of Science Science may be described as the attempt to give good accounts of the patterns in nature. The result of scientific investigation is an understa...
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American society and to provide the foundation for their further education in these areas if they seek it. The Nature of Science Science may be described as the attempt to give good accounts of the patterns in nature. The result of scientific investigation is an understanding of natural processes. Scientific explanations are always subject to change in the face of new evidence. Ideas with the most durable explanatory power become established theories or are codified as laws of nature. Overall, the key
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American society and to provide the foundation for their further education in these <span class="highlight">areas</span> if they seek it. The Nature <span class="highlight">of</span> Science Science may be described as the attempt to give good accounts <span class="highlight">of</span> the patterns in nature. The result <span class="highlight">of</span> scientific investigation is an understanding <span class="highlight">of</span> natural processes. Scientific explanations are always subject to change in the <span class="highlight">face</span> <span class="highlight">of</span> new evidence. Ideas with the most durable explanatory power become established theories or are codified as laws <span class="highlight">of</span> nature. Overall, the key