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 Colorado Model Content Standards
others are arcs. No point is completely free of distortion, which increases toward the poles. It is widely used for thematic world maps. Sacred place - an area recognized by a group of people to have religious significance. Satellite Image - an image produced by a variety of sensors,...
1 0
others are arcs. No point is completely free of distortion, which increases toward the poles. It is widely used for thematic world maps. Sacred place - an area recognized by a group of people to have religious significance. Satellite Image - an image produced by a variety of sensors, such as radar, microwave detectors, and scanners, which measure and record electromagnetic radiation. The collected data are turned into digital form for transmission to ground receiving stations. The data can be reconverted
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others are arcs. No point is completely free of distortion, which increases toward the poles. It is widely used <span class="highlight">for</span> thematic world <span class="highlight">maps</span>. Sacred place - an area recognized by a group of people to have religious significance. Satellite Image - an image produced by a variety of sensors, such as radar, microwave detectors, and scanners, which measure and record electromagnetic radiation. The collected data are turned into <span class="highlight">digital</span> form <span class="highlight">for</span> transmission to ground receiving stations. The data can be reconverted