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Rodent Parvoviruses: Non-human Viruses That Affect
viruses such as rodent parvoviruses can cause significant problems, even for those of us who don't have a hamster or gerbil at home. The biological characteristics of rodent parvoviruses and the symptoms they cause in infected rodents combine to make such viruses a seriou...
NHGRI Genetic Discrimination Genetic Testing Health Issues in Genetics Informed Consent for Genomics Research Intellectual Property Online Bioethics Resources Policy and Legislation Database Newsroom Calendar of Events Current News Releases Digital Media Database Event Webcas...
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Genetics: A Cartoon Guide for Kids
A Revolution in Progress: Human Genetics and Medical Research
ABO Blood Group Frequencies
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium testing. European Journal of Human Genetics 12: 395-9. Wittke-Thompson JK, Pluzhnikov A, Cox NJ, 2005 Rational inferences about departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. American Journal of Genetics 76: 967-86. Education Research...
Evolution Through Natural Selection
(1986) Basic Concepts in Population, Quantitative, and Evolutionary Genetics. New York : W. H. Freeman and Company. Research Articles Hosking L, Lumsden S, Lewis K, Yeo A, McCarthy L, Bansal A, Riley J, Purvis I, Xu CF, 2004 Detection of genotyping errors by Hardy-We...
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: parenthood and procreation
Possible technologies such as human cloning involving transfer of a nucleus to an egg cell, or three-person ART, in which the nucleus of a fertilized egg would be transferred to a second egg for medical reasons, introduce further complications, as additional genetic material&mda...
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NYTimes People: Wilmut, Ian
published in The New York Times. ARTICLES ABOUT IAN WILMUT Newest First | Oldest First Page: 1 | 2 | Next >> Britain Grants 'Dolly' Scientist Cloning License The British government gave the scientist whose team cloned Dolly the sheep a license to clone human embryos for research....
Chemical Genomics
NHGRI Genetic Discrimination Genetic Testing Health Issues in Genetics Informed Consent for Genomics Research Intellectual Property Online Bioethics Resources Policy and Legislation Database Newsroom Calendar of Events Current News Releases Digital Media Database Event Webcas...
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Genetic Code
Genome Research. World Scientific: Singapore, p.445. Jimenez-Montano, M. A., et al. 1996. The hypercube structure of the genetic code explains conservative and non-conservative amino acid substitutions in vivo and in vitro. BioSystems 39:117-125. Jungck, J. R....
DeFinetti 1.0
Hyg., 73(1), pp. 140-148. Holsinger , Kent E. The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution. Cannings C., Edwards A.W.F. (1968) Natuarl selection and the de Finetti diagram Ann Hum Gen 31:421-428 Ineichen, R.; Batschelet, E. 1975. Genetic selection...