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Sejarah Melayu: The History of the Malay Peninsula
Malaysian history. The materials have been arranged chronologically, beginning with the earliest records of the Malay and leading up to the present. At the time of this review, about half of the site is still under construction. Internet resources dealing with ...
NYTimes People: Anwar Ibrahim
Anwar Ibrahim Navigator A list of resources from around the Web about Anwar Ibrahim as selected by researchers and editors of The New York Times. Seven Questions: Anwar Ibrahim Foreign Policy, April 2008. Headlines Around the Web What's This? The Associated Press May 22,...
 Financial Policy
recently—have effectively utilized techniques to manage PI inflow s and outflow s. H ere, w e identify recent examples of such strategies. Malaysian authorities tw ice imposed restrictions over PI during the 1990s. The first such effort w as in early 1994. At that time, th...
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recently—have effectively utilized techniques to manage PI inflow s and outflow s. H ere, w e identify recent examples of such strategies. Malaysian authorities tw ice imposed restrictions over PI during the 1990s. The first such effort w as in early 1994. At that time, the Malaysian economy received dramatic increases in the volume of private capital inflow s (including, but not limited to, PI). Policymakers w ere concerned that these inflow s w ere feeding an unsustainable speculative boom in real estate
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recently&mdash;have effectively utilized techniques to manage PI inflow s <span class="highlight">and</span> outflow s. H ere, w e identify recent examples <span class="highlight">of</span> such strategies. <span class="highlight">Malaysian</span> authorities tw ice imposed restrictions over PI during the 1990s. The first such effort w as in early 1994. At that time, the <span class="highlight">Malaysian</span> economy received dramatic increases in the volume <span class="highlight">of</span> private capital inflow s (including, but not limited to, PI). Policymakers w ere concerned that these inflow s w ere feeding an unsustainable speculative boom in real estate
NYTimes People: Mahathir Mohamad
archival articles published in The New York Times. ARTICLES ABOUT MAHATHIR MOHAMAD Newest First | Oldest First Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Next >> Malaysian Blogger Fights a System He Perfected By SETH MYDANS Mahathir Mohamad, former prime minister of Malaysia, is one of...