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Viewing 31-37 of 37 total results
Revolutions of 1848: Kogalniceanu, Mihail
of the "wishes of the national party," and the practical conclusion of the Romanian 1848. Kogalniceanu was appointed to various high level governmental positions after 1849, continued his prolific writing and cultural activities, and became the principal leader of...
THE WARSAW PACT, Excerpted from Czechoslovakia: A Country Study
Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance, which originally established the Soviet-led political-military alliance in Eastern Europe. Their action ensured that the Warsaw Pact, as it is commonly known, will remain part of the international political and military landscape well into the future...
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The Search for Truth
disappeared, in concert with the International Red Cross, the Peruvian Ombudsman's Office, and the National Coordinator for Human Rights. The Commission created a judicial team to analyze the pattern of violence, crimes and human rights abuses, and an ad-hoc working group...
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NYTimes People: Yang, Jerry
first huge shift in how people read — moving online from paper — but failed to follow Internet users and advertisers to cellphone screens and social networks. It has tried to become a media company. Meanwhile, the next generation of companies, like Google and Faceboo...
NYTimes People: Zawahiri, Ayman Al-
the suicide bomber turned out to be simultaneously working for the Saudi, British and American intelligence agencies. After the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the presence most of Al Qaeda’s founding members in Pakistan gave the core leaders a depth of experien...
NYTimes Topic: Computer Viruses
(Cybersecurity) Updated Oct. 24, 2012 Just as the invention of the atomic bomb changed warfare and led to a race to develop new weapons and new deterrents, a new international race has begun to develop over cyberweapons and systems to protect against them. American intelligence officials h...
NYTimes Topic: Computer Security
(Cybersecurity) Updated Oct. 24, 2012 Just as the invention of the atomic bomb changed warfare and led to a race to develop new weapons and new deterrents, a new international race has begun to develop over cyberweapons and systems to protect against them. American intelligence officials h...
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