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Viewing 1-10 of 32 total results
Profiles in Science: The Joshua Lederberg Papers (Exhibit)
The Joshua Lederberg Papers Biographical Information The Development of Bacterial Genetics Transduction, Plasmids, and the Foundation of Biotechnology Launching a New Science: Exobiology and the Exploration of Space Computers, Artificial Intelligenc...
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Saved by the Sun: New Ways to Catch Rays
Artificial Intelligence Pioneer MIT’s Marvin Minsky, one of the fathers of AI, expounds on the current state of the field and hopes for its future. Smartest Machine: Expert Q&A The head of the AI team that programmed the computer &...
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Cambridge University Chemical Laboratory
Educacion Quimica ?? (May 2012) The Electrochemical Society: Interface Electrochemical and Solid State Letters Elemental Discoveries (David Bradley's selection of chemical news) e-Polymers EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology ?? (February 2012) Eu...
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Brainy 'Bots
exploration nonetheless. As a project scientist specializing in artificial intelligence at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Ayanna is part of a team that applies creative energy to a new generation of space missions -- planetary and moon surface explorations...
A Growing Intelligence around Earth
to. EO-1 (short for "Earth Observing 1") noticed the warning signs and started monitoring Talang on its own. Indeed, by the time many volcanologists were reading their emails from the UN, "EO-1 already had data," says Steve Chien, leader of JPL's Artificial ...
Multiple Intelligence Lesson Plan Index
some links to areas in other portions of this website related to multiple intelligences. Multiple Intelligences Defined Links Pages- Multiple intelligences Naturalistic Intelligence Defined Journal Articles On Line New Horizons for Learning Electronic Journal - Vol. I...
Life and Death in the War Zone: Military Medicine Through Time
Factory: Expert Q&A Author James Bamford answers viewer questions about the National Security Agency, the 9/11 attacks, and more. The New Thought Police George Orwell's secret police have nothing on two new National Security Agency systems designed to read people's minds.... Dictionary
The People's Law Dictionary by Gerald and Kathleen Hill Publisher Fine Communications Place this dictionary on your site Advertisement Business Loans from RR&A Harrell and Harrell, P.A. ADVERTISE Newswire Special Reports International News...
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PBS: Who Made America? Willis Carrier
air conditioner, a device that would revolutionize working environments -- and forever change life in the Southern states and other places with hot, humid climates. Heating Expert In 1902, Willis Carrier patented the air conditioner, a device that would impact factory product...
NYTimes Topic: Computer Viruses
(Cybersecurity) Updated Oct. 24, 2012 Just as the invention of the atomic bomb changed warfare and led to a race to develop new weapons and new deterrents, a new international race has begun to develop over cyberweapons and systems to protect against them....
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