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 Microsoft Word - historysol2008.doc
cultural, economic, and social conditions in developed and developing nations of the contemporary world by a) identifying contemporary political issues, with emphasis on migrations of refugees and others, ethnic/religious conflicts, and the impact of technology, including chemical and biological...
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cultural, economic, and social conditions in developed and developing nations of the contemporary world by a) identifying contemporary political issues, with emphasis on migrations of refugees and others, ethnic/religious conflicts, and the impact of technology, including chemical and biological technologies; b) assessing the impact of economic development and global population growth on the environment and society, including an understanding of the links between economic and political freedom; c
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cultural, economic, and social conditions in developed and developing nations of the contemporary world by a) identifying contemporary political issues, with emphasis on migrations of refugees and others, ethnic/religious conflicts, and the impact of technology, including chemical and <span class="highlight">biological</span> technologies; b) assessing the impact of economic development and global population growth on the environment and society, including <span class="highlight">an</span> understanding of the links between economic and political freedom; c
Microsoft Word - ssstdh.docssstdh.pdf
Gompers, Haymarket Tragedy, Mother Jones, Industrial Workers of the World, Eugene Debs, strikes). 3. (A) analyzes the key ideas of William Jennings Bryan and other populists (e.g., free coinage of silver, government ownership of railroads, graduated income tax, direct election of senators, election...
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Gompers, Haymarket Tragedy, Mother Jones, Industrial Workers of the World, Eugene Debs, strikes). 3. (A) analyzes the key ideas of William Jennings Bryan and other populists (e.g., free coinage of silver, government ownership of railroads, graduated income tax, direct election of senators, election reform). 4.▲ (A) examines the emergence of the United States in international affairs at the turn of the 20 th century (e.g., debate over imperialism, Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurrection, Panama
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Gompers, Haymarket Tragedy, Mother Jones, Industrial Workers of the World, Eugene Debs, strikes). 3. (A) analyzes the key ideas of William Jennings Bryan and other populists (e.g., free coinage of silver, government ownership of railroads, graduated income tax, direct election of senators, election reform). 4.&#9650; (A) examines the emergence of the United States in <span class="highlight">international</span> affairs at the turn of the 20 th century (e.g., debate over imperialism, Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurrection, Panama
world (Adapted from National Standards for World History) s write diary accounts, journal entries, letters, or news accounts from the point of view of a young person living during a particular time period in world history, focusing on an important historic, political, economic, or reli...
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world (Adapted from National Standards for World History) s write diary accounts, journal entries, letters, or news accounts from the point of view of a young person living during a particular time period in world history, focusing on an important historic, political, economic, or religious event or accomplishment s study the historical writings of important figures in world history to learn about their goals, motivations, intentions, influences, and strengths and weaknesses. 4. The skills of historical
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world (Adapted from National Standards for World History) s write diary accounts, <span class="highlight">journal</span> entries, letters, or news accounts from the point of view of a young person living during a particular time period in world history, focusing on <span class="highlight">an</span> important historic, political, economic, or religious event or accomplishment s study the historical writings of important figures in world history to learn about their goals, motivations, intentions, influences, and strengths and weaknesses. 4. The skills of historical
Microsoft Word - ssstd7.docssstd7.pdf
8/9/2005 Page 182 of 298 Economics Seventh Grade Economics Standard: The student uses a working knowledge and understanding of major economic concepts, issues, and systems applying decision-making skills as a consumer, producer, saver, investor, and citizen of Kansas and the United States living...
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8/9/2005 Page 182 of 298 Economics Seventh Grade Economics Standard: The student uses a working knowledge and understanding of major economic concepts, issues, and systems applying decision-making skills as a consumer, producer, saver, investor, and citizen of Kansas and the United States living in an interdependent world. Benchmark 3: The student analyzes how different incentives, economic systems and their institutions, and local, national, and international interdependence
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8/9/2005 Page 182 of 298 Economics Seventh Grade Economics Standard: The student uses a working knowledge and understanding of major economic concepts, issues, and systems applying decision-making skills as a consumer, producer, saver, investor, and citizen of Kansas and the United States living in <span class="highlight">an</span> interdependent world. Benchmark 3: The student analyzes how different incentives, economic systems and their institutions, and local, national, and <span class="highlight">international</span> interdependence
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shared values and beliefs can maintain a subculture (e.g., political parties, religious groups). i • Describing the purposes and functions of governmental and nongovernmental international organizations (e.g., the United Nations, NATO, International Red Cross, Amnesty Internat...
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shared values and beliefs can maintain a subculture (e.g., political parties, religious groups). i • Describing the purposes and functions of governmental and nongovernmental international organizations (e.g., the United Nations, NATO, International Red Cross, Amnesty International). • After examining issues from more than one perspective, defining and defending the rights and needs of others in the community, nation, and world (e.g. AIDS in Africa; One Child Policy in China; nuclear waste disposal). i
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movement). i &bull; Explaining how roles and status of people have differed and changed throughout history based on gender, age, class, racial and ethnic identity, wealth, and/ or social position. i &bull; Describing the purposes and functions of governmental and nongovernmental <span class="highlight">international</span> organizations (e.g., the United Nations). &bull; After examining issues from more than one perspective, defining and defending the rights and needs of others in the, community, nation, and world (e.g., participating in a <span class="highlight">forum</span>
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shared values and beliefs can maintain a subculture (e.g., political parties, religious groups). i &bull; Describing the purposes and functions of governmental and nongovernmental <span class="highlight">international</span> organizations (e.g., the United Nations, NATO, <span class="highlight">International</span> Red Cross, Amnesty <span class="highlight">International</span>). &bull; After examining issues from more than one perspective, defining and defending the rights and needs of others in the community, nation, and world (e.g. AIDS in Africa; One Child Policy in China; nuclear waste disposal). i
 Microsoft Word - CIV-STDR.doc
the world today, citizens need to be able to determine what course their foreign policy* should take. An understanding of the role of the United States in the world arena and the processes by which foreign policy* is made and implemented provides the necessary foundation for making judgments...
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the world today, citizens need to be able to determine what course their foreign policy* should take. An understanding of the role of the United States in the world arena and the processes by which foreign policy* is made and implemented provides the necessary foundation for making judgments about the direction of United States foreign policy*. To take part in analyzing and evaluating proposals for dealing with international issues, citizens need to be aware of worldwide developments and their effects
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the world today, citizens need to be able to determine what course their foreign policy* should take. <span class="highlight">An</span> understanding of the role of the United States in the world arena and the processes by which foreign policy* is made and implemented provides the necessary foundation for making judgments about the direction of United States foreign policy*. To take part in analyzing and evaluating proposals for dealing with <span class="highlight">international</span> issues, citizens need to be aware of worldwide developments and their effects