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 United Kingdom: Butler Report
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44 44
77 77
114 114
especially their own supporters. They may also fear that an attack would cause international outrage leading to determined efforts on an international scale to bring them to book. By contrast, conventional weapons are cheaper, easier to procure, and offer equal or greater...
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especially their own supporters. They may also fear that an attack would cause international outrage leading to determined efforts on an international scale to bring them to book. By contrast, conventional weapons are cheaper, easier to procure, and offer equal or greater effectiveness against traditional targets (such as prominent individuals, members of the security forces, government buildings). [JIC, 23 April 1992] This, too, was to become a feature of JIC assessments: for most terrorist uses, conventional
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Soviet SA2 surface-to-air missile as a short-range surface-to-surface missile (150 km range, but Al Samoud 2 was being developed to attain significantly longer range) Ansar al Islam Literally, Supporters of Islam: <span class="highlight">an</span> Islamist extremist group based in northern Iraq Anthrax A disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus Anthracis: used as a BW agent BCW See CBW Botulinum toxin A toxin used as a BW agent BTWC <span class="highlight">Biological</span> and Toxin Weapons Convention BW <span class="highlight">Biological</span> Weapons (or <span class="highlight">Biological</span> Warfare) CB Chemical and
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especially their own supporters. They may also fear that <span class="highlight">an</span> attack would cause <span class="highlight">international</span> outrage leading to determined efforts on <span class="highlight">an</span> <span class="highlight">international</span> scale to bring them to book. By contrast, conventional weapons are cheaper, easier to procure, and offer equal or greater effectiveness against traditional targets (such as prominent individuals, members of the security forces, government buildings). [JIC, 23 April 1992] This, too, was to become a feature of JIC assessments: for most terrorist uses, conventional
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SUMMARY 255. By early 2002, therefore, readers of JIC assessments will have had <span class="highlight">an</span> impression of: a. The continuing clear strategic intent on the part of the Iraqi regime to pursue its nuclear, <span class="highlight">biological</span>, chemical and ballistic missile programmes. b. Continuing efforts by the Iraqi regime to sustain and where possible develop its indigenous capabilities, including through procurement of necessary materiel. c. The development, drawing on those capabilities, of Iraq&rsquo;s &lsquo;break-out&rsquo; potential in the chemical
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In 2002, SIS considered him to be <span class="highlight">an</span> established and reliable source. His intelligence on other subjects had previously been corroborated. We therefore understand why SIS decided that it should issue a number of reports from him quoting a new sub-source on Iraqi chemical and <span class="highlight">biological</span> programmes and intentions. Even then, they properly included a caution about the sub-source&rsquo;s links to opposition groups and the possibility that his reports would be affected by that. We have been told that post-war