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bona fide, savoir faire, non sequitur, id est, enfant terrible, terra firma, vox populi, ad hoc, cause célèbre, magnum opus, persona non grata, quid pro quo, je ne sais quoi, modus operandi, nom de plume, haute couture, mea culpa, raison d’être, laissez faire,...
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bona fide, savoir faire, non sequitur, id est, enfant terrible, terra firma, vox populi, ad hoc, cause célèbre, magnum opus, persona non grata, quid pro quo, je ne sais quoi, modus operandi, nom de plume, haute couture, mea culpa, raison d’être, laissez faire, bête noire, en masse, in absentia, sub rosa, schadenfreude, noblesse oblige, sine qua non, deus ex machina, doppelgänger, coup d’état).
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bona fide, savoir faire, non sequitur, id est, enfant terrible, terra firma, vox populi, <span class="highlight">ad</span> <span class="highlight">hoc</span>, cause c&eacute;l&egrave;bre, magnum opus, persona non grata, quid pro quo, je ne sais quoi, modus operandi, nom de plume, haute couture, mea culpa, raison d&rsquo;&ecirc;tre, laissez faire, b&ecirc;te noire, en masse, <span class="highlight">in</span> absentia, sub rosa, schadenfreude, noblesse oblige, sine qua non, deus ex machina, doppelg&auml;nger, coup d&rsquo;&eacute;tat).
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sufficiency <span class="highlight">of</span> evidence used to support or oppose an argument. #0;3 3005.5.5 Identify established methods (e.g., scientific, historical) used to distinguish between factual claims and opinions. #0;3 3005.5.6 Distinguish between evidence which is directly stated and evidence which is implied within an argument. #0;3 3005.5.7 Identify false premises and explain the role they play <span class="highlight">in</span> argumentation. #0;3 3005.5.8 Analyze common logical fallacies (e.g., appeal to fear, personal attack {<span class="highlight">ad</span> hominem
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3 3
13 13
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in text. SPI 3003.5.2 Choose a logical word to complete an analogy. SPI 3003.5.3 Evaluate text for fact and opinion. SPI 3003.5.4 Analyze cause/effect relationships in text. SPI 3003.5.5 Select the persuasive device used in an ad or speech (i.e., bandwagon, loaded wor...
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in text. SPI 3003.5.2 Choose a logical word to complete an analogy. SPI 3003.5.3 Evaluate text for fact and opinion. SPI 3003.5.4 Analyze cause/effect relationships in text. SPI 3003.5.5 Select the persuasive device used in an ad or speech (i.e., bandwagon, loaded words, testimonials, name-calling, plain folks, misuse of statistics, transfer, card stacking). SPI 3003.5.6 Identify the logical fallacy (i.e., appeal to fear, personal attack {ad hominem}, false dilemma, false analogy
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English III Page 2 #0;3 3003.1.9 Demonstrate understanding <span class="highlight">of</span> common foreign words and phrases (e.g., RSVP, d&eacute;j&agrave; vu, faux pas, du jour, bon voyage, alma mater, cum laude, femme fatale, esprit de corps, verbatim, E pluribus unum, prima donna, avant-garde, status quo, joie de vivre, carte blanche, caveat emptor, alpha and omega, tabula rasa, hoi polloi, <span class="highlight">ad</span> nauseam, carpe diem, tempus fugit, c&rsquo;est la vie, bona fide, savoir faire, non sequitur, id est, enfant terrible, terra firma, vox populi, <span class="highlight">ad</span> <span class="highlight">hoc</span>
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English III Page 3 SPI 3003.1.13 Identify commonly used foreign words and phrases (i.e., RSVP, d&eacute;j&agrave; vu, faux pas, du jour, bon voyage, alma mater, cum laude, femme fatale, esprit de corps, verbatim, E pluribus unum, prima donna, avant-garde, status quo, joie de vivre, carte blanche, caveat emptor, alpha and omega, tabula rasa, hoi polloi, <span class="highlight">ad</span> nauseam, carpe diem, tempus fugit, c&rsquo;est la vie, bona fide, savoir faire, non sequitur, id est, enfant terrible, terra firma, vox populi, <span class="highlight">ad</span> <span class="highlight">hoc</span>, cause c&eacute;l&egrave;bre
13 0
sufficiency <span class="highlight">of</span> evidence used to support or oppose an argument. #0;3 3003.5.5 Identify established methods (e.g., scientific, historical) used to distinguish between factual claims and opinions. #0;3 3003.5.6 Distinguish between evidence which is directly stated and evidence which is implied within an argument. #0;3 3003.5.7 Identify false premises and explain the role they play <span class="highlight">in</span> argumentation. #0;3 3003.5.8 Analyze common logical fallacies (e.g., appeal to fear, personal attack {<span class="highlight">ad</span> hominem
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<span class="highlight">in</span> text. SPI 3003.5.2 Choose a logical word to complete an analogy. SPI 3003.5.3 Evaluate text for fact and opinion. SPI 3003.5.4 Analyze cause/effect relationships <span class="highlight">in</span> text. SPI 3003.5.5 Select the persuasive device used <span class="highlight">in</span> an <span class="highlight">ad</span> or speech (i.e., bandwagon, loaded words, testimonials, name-calling, plain folks, misuse <span class="highlight">of</span> statistics, transfer, card stacking). SPI 3003.5.6 Identify the logical fallacy (i.e., appeal to fear, personal attack {<span class="highlight">ad</span> hominem}, false dilemma, false analogy
 Minnesota Academic Standards
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Minnesota Department of Education May 15, 2004, 9:45 p.m. 31 III. WORLD HISTORY E. Global Encounters, Exchanges, and Conflicts, 500 AD -1500 AD The student will demonstrate a knowledge of overseas trade, exploration, and expansion in the Mediterranean, Indian, and...
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Minnesota Department of Education May 15, 2004, 9:45 p.m. 31 III. WORLD HISTORY E. Global Encounters, Exchanges, and Conflicts, 500 AD -1500 AD The student will demonstrate a knowledge of overseas trade, exploration, and expansion in the Mediterranean, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans, 1000-1500 AD. 1. Students will compare the Indian Ocean region with the Mediterranean Sea region in terms of economic, political, and cultural interactions, and analyze the nature of their interactions after 1250 CE. 2. Students
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wheel, agriculture, iron tools, governmental structures, city-building, art and architecture, writing, textile production III. WORLD HISTORY B. Classical Civilizations and World Religions 1000 BC - 600 <span class="highlight">AD</span> The student will describe classical civilizations <span class="highlight">in</span> Africa, Asia, and Mesoamerica. 1. Students will describe the emergence <span class="highlight">of</span> states <span class="highlight">in</span> Sub-Saharan Africa and explains how iron working diffused <span class="highlight">in</span> Africa. 2. Students will describe how the Chinese Empire was united. 3. Students will analyze the relationship
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political and cultural life. 3. Students will describe the formation <span class="highlight">of</span> states <span class="highlight">in</span> sub-Saharan Africa and the Americas. 1. Islamic law, family life, government, architecture, science 2. Buddhism and Confucianism, Chinese conquest <span class="highlight">of</span> Vietnam; relations between China and Japan, China and Indian Ocean exploration 3. Ethiopia, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Mali, Benin; Swahili towns, Aztec Empire, Anasazi, Pueblos, Mayans, Incas III. WORLD HISTORY E. Western Civilizations, Renaissance and Reformation 1000 <span class="highlight">AD</span> - 1700 <span class="highlight">AD</span> The student
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Minnesota Department <span class="highlight">of</span> Education May 15, 2004, 9:45 p.m. 27 III. WORLD HISTORY G. Western Civilizations, Age <span class="highlight">of</span> Revolution and Reaction, 1640- 1920 <span class="highlight">AD</span> The student will demonstrate knowledge <span class="highlight">of</span> the rise <span class="highlight">of</span> colonialism and its effects worldwide. 1. Students will examine the effects <span class="highlight">of</span> imperialism on the colonial societies <span class="highlight">of</span> the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries. 1. Imperialism, mercantile economies; policies <span class="highlight">in</span> Africa, Asia, America; social consequences, slave trade WORLD HISTORY GRADES 9-12 Strand Sub-Strand
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demonstrate knowledge <span class="highlight">of</span> ancient Rome from about 500 BC - 500 <span class="highlight">AD</span> and its influence <span class="highlight">in</span> relation to other contemporary civilizations. 1. Students will analyze the influence <span class="highlight">of</span> geography on Roman economic, social and political development, and compare its social and political structure to other contemporary civilizations. 2. Students will compare Roman military conquests and empire building with those <span class="highlight">of</span> other contemporary civilizations. 3. Students will analyze the influence <span class="highlight">of</span> Roman civilization, including the
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400 <span class="highlight">AD</span> - 1000 <span class="highlight">AD</span> The student will demonstrate knowledge <span class="highlight">of</span> Europe during the Middle Ages from about 500 - 1000 <span class="highlight">AD</span> <span class="highlight">in</span> terms <span class="highlight">of</span> its impact on Western civilization. 1. Students will describe the spread and influence <span class="highlight">of</span> Christianity throughout Europe and analyze its impact. 2. Students will explain the structure <span class="highlight">of</span> feudal society and analyze how it impacted all aspects <span class="highlight">of</span> feudal life. 1. Catholic Church, monasticism, schism 2. Vassals, Fiefs, Manor Serf, Knight, Investiture, Lords, homage, Frankish kings, and Age
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Timbuktu III. WORLD HISTORY E. Global Encounters, Exchanges, and Conflicts, 500 <span class="highlight">AD</span> - 1500 <span class="highlight">AD</span> The student will demonstrate knowledge <span class="highlight">of</span> the interactions between Christendom and the Islamic world, 750 - 1500 <span class="highlight">AD</span>. 1. Students will describe the emergence <span class="highlight">of</span> European states <span class="highlight">of</span> Christendom and analyze the conflicts among them and other Eurasian powers. 2. Students will describe the emergence <span class="highlight">of</span> Islamic states <span class="highlight">in</span> Africa, the Near East, Iberia and India, and analyze the conflicts among them and other Eurasian powers. 3
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Minnesota Department <span class="highlight">of</span> Education May 15, 2004, 9:45 p.m. 31 III. WORLD HISTORY E. Global Encounters, Exchanges, and Conflicts, 500 <span class="highlight">AD</span> -1500 <span class="highlight">AD</span> The student will demonstrate a knowledge <span class="highlight">of</span> overseas trade, exploration, and expansion <span class="highlight">in</span> the Mediterranean, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans, 1000-1500 <span class="highlight">AD</span>. 1. Students will compare the Indian Ocean region with the Mediterranean Sea region <span class="highlight">in</span> terms <span class="highlight">of</span> economic, political, and cultural interactions, and analyze the nature <span class="highlight">of</span> their interactions after 1250 CE. 2. Students
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Minnesota Department <span class="highlight">of</span> Education May 15, 2004, 9:45 p.m. 32 III. WORLD HISTORY E, Global Encounters, Exchanges, and Conflicts, 500 <span class="highlight">AD</span> - 1500 <span class="highlight">AD</span> The student will demonstrate knowledge <span class="highlight">of</span> social, economic, and political changes and cultural achievements <span class="highlight">in</span> the late medieval period. 1. Students will describe the emergence <span class="highlight">of</span> European states and analyze the impact. 2. Students will explain conflicts among Eurasian powers. 3. Students will identify patterns <span class="highlight">of</span> crisis and recovery related to the Black Death
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Minnesota Department <span class="highlight">of</span> Education May 15, 2004, 9:45 p.m. 33 III. WORLD HISTORY F. Emergence <span class="highlight">of</span> a Global Age, 1450 <span class="highlight">AD</span> - 1800 <span class="highlight">AD</span> III. WORLD HISTORY F. Emergence <span class="highlight">of</span> a Global Age, 1450 <span class="highlight">AD</span> - 1800 <span class="highlight">AD</span> The student will demonstrate knowledge <span class="highlight">of</span> the status and impact <span class="highlight">of</span> global trade on regional civilizations <span class="highlight">of</span> the world after 1500 <span class="highlight">AD</span>. 1. Students will identify and explain the impact <span class="highlight">of</span> exploration on culture and economies. 2. Students will describe the location and development <span class="highlight">of</span> the Ottoman Empire. 1. Spice trade
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and Revolutions, 1640 <span class="highlight">AD</span> - 1920 <span class="highlight">AD</span> The student will demonstrate knowledge <span class="highlight">of</span> political and philosophical developments <span class="highlight">in</span> Europe during the 19th century. 1. Students will analyze the Napoleonic Wars and the Concert <span class="highlight">of</span> Europe. 2. Students will describe the factors leading to the Revolutions <span class="highlight">of</span> 1830 and 1848, and describe their long-term impact on the expansion <span class="highlight">of</span> political rights <span class="highlight">in</span> Europe. 3. Students will describe major scientific, technological, and philosophical developments <span class="highlight">of</span> the 19 th Century and analyze
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Minnesota Department <span class="highlight">of</span> Education May 15, 2004, 9:45 p.m. 35 III. WORLD HISTORY G. Age <span class="highlight">of</span> Empires and Revolutions, 1640 <span class="highlight">AD</span> - 1920 <span class="highlight">AD</span> The student will demonstrate knowledge <span class="highlight">of</span> European and American expansion. 1. Students will explain the rise <span class="highlight">of</span> U.S. influence <span class="highlight">in</span> the Americas and the Pacific. 2. Students will analyze the motives and consequences <span class="highlight">of</span> European imperialism <span class="highlight">in</span> Africa and Asia. 3. Students will compare motives and methods <span class="highlight">of</span> various forms <span class="highlight">of</span> colonialism and various colonial powers. 1. Mexican War
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Minnesota Department <span class="highlight">of</span> Education May 15, 2004, 9:45 p.m. 36 III. WORLD HISTORY H. Global Conflict, 1914AD - 1945 <span class="highlight">AD</span> The student will demonstrate knowledge <span class="highlight">of</span> the worldwide impact <span class="highlight">of</span> World War I. 1. Students will analyze the economic and political causes <span class="highlight">of</span> World War I and how they interacted as well as the impact <span class="highlight">of</span> technology on the war. 2. Students will examine the Treaty <span class="highlight">of</span> Versailles and analyze the impact <span class="highlight">of</span> its consequences. 3. Students will analyze causes and consequences <span class="highlight">of</span> the Russian Revolution
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Minnesota Department <span class="highlight">of</span> Education May 15, 2004, 9:45 p.m. 37 leaders <span class="highlight">of</span> this time period. III. WORLD HISTORY I. The Post-War Period, 1945 <span class="highlight">AD</span> - Present The student will demonstrate knowledge <span class="highlight">of</span> political, economic, social and cultural aspects <span class="highlight">of</span> independence movements and development efforts. 1. Students will analyze the independence movement <span class="highlight">in</span> India, the role <span class="highlight">of</span> Gandhi, and the effectiveness <span class="highlight">of</span> civil disobedience <span class="highlight">in</span> this revolution. 2. Students will analyze the struggle for independence <span class="highlight">in</span> African nations
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emotional appeals, bias and prejudice. 3. Students will know and analyze the points <span class="highlight">of</span> access and influence people can use to affect elections and public policy decisions. 4. Students will understand the importance <span class="highlight">of</span> informed decision making and the roles <span class="highlight">of</span> public speaking, conducting a public meeting, letter writing, petition signing, negotiation, active listening, conflict resolution, and mediation, defending a public policy position <span class="highlight">in</span> a civil conversation. 2. Web pages, editorials, letters to the editor
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verbatim from year to year; it is understood that the depth, complexity, and difficulty level developmentally match the grade level expectations Strand 1: American History Strand 2: World History Strand 3: Civics/Government Strand 4: Geography Strand 5: Economics Clinton. PO 7. Describe events (e....
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verbatim from year to year; it is understood that the depth, complexity, and difficulty level developmentally match the grade level expectations Strand 1: American History Strand 2: World History Strand 3: Civics/Government Strand 4: Geography Strand 5: Economics Clinton. PO 7. Describe events (e.g., September 11 Terrorist Attacks, Afghanistan, Iraq War) of the presidency of George W. Bush. PO 8. Describe current events using information from class discussions an various resources
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information from class discussions and various resources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, television, Internet, books, maps). motorized vehicle, aircraft). PO 2. Describe changes over time <span class="highlight">in</span> communication <span class="highlight">networks</span> (e.g., telegraph, telephone, postal, internet). PO 3. Recognize there are differences <span class="highlight">in</span> political units and hierarchies (i.e., community, city, county, state, country, continent). PO 4. Describe elements <span class="highlight">of</span> culture <span class="highlight">of</span> a community or nation (e.g., food, clothing, housing
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___ Concept 9: Postwar United States No performance objectives at this grade. ___ Concept 10: Contemporary United States PO 1. Describe <span class="highlight">current</span> events using information from class discussions and various resources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, powder/fireworks, compass) d. Central and South America (i.e., astronomy, agriculture) Connect with: Strand 5 Concept 2 PO 7. Describe the development <span class="highlight">of</span> the following types <span class="highlight">of</span> government and citizenship <span class="highlight">in</span> ancient
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verbatim from year to year; it is understood that the depth, complexity, and difficulty level developmentally match the grade level expectations Strand 1: American History Strand 2: World History Strand 3: Civics/Government Strand 4: Geography Strand 5: Economics Clinton. PO 7. Describe events (e.g., September 11 Terrorist <span class="highlight">Attacks</span>, Afghanistan, Iraq War) <span class="highlight">of</span> the presidency <span class="highlight">of</span> George W. Bush. PO 8. Describe <span class="highlight">current</span> events using information from class discussions an various resources
 Mathematics Content Standards - Curriculum Frameworks (CA Dept of Education)
State Board of Education; Sue Stickel, a member of the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission; and internationally recognized mathematicians Drs. Gunar Carlsson, David Geary, R. James Milgram, Richard Askey, and H-H. Wu. Their service and contributions to the math...
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State Board of Education; Sue Stickel, a member of the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission; and internationally recognized mathematicians Drs. Gunar Carlsson, David Geary, R. James Milgram, Richard Askey, and H-H. Wu. Their service and contributions to the mathematics ad hoc committee deserve special recognition. Ordering Information Copies of this publication are available for $8.50 each, plus shipping and handling charges. California residents are charged sales tax. Orders may
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State Board <span class="highlight">of</span> Education; Sue Stickel, a member <span class="highlight">of</span> the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission; and internationally recognized mathematicians Drs. Gunar Carlsson, David Geary, R. James Milgram, Richard Askey, and H-H. Wu. Their service and contributions to the mathematics <span class="highlight">ad</span> <span class="highlight">hoc</span> committee deserve special recognition. Ordering Information Copies <span class="highlight">of</span> this publication are available for $8.50 each, plus shipping and handling charges. California residents are charged sales tax. Orders may
 English Language Arts Content Standards - Curriculum Frameworks (CA Dept of Education)
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English-Language Arts ad-hoc committee deserve special recognition. Ordering Information Copies of this publication are available for $12.50 each, plus shipping and handling charges. California residents are charged sales tax. Orders may be sent to CDE Press, Sales Office, Calif...
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English-Language Arts ad-hoc committee deserve special recognition. Ordering Information Copies of this publication are available for $12.50 each, plus shipping and handling charges. California residents are charged sales tax. Orders may be sent to CDE Press, Sales Office, California Department of Education, 1430 N Street, Suite 3207, Sacramento, CA 95814-5901, FAX (916) 323- 0823. See page 86 for complete information on payment, including credit card purchases, and an order blank. Prices on all publications are
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English-Language Arts <span class="highlight">ad</span>-<span class="highlight">hoc</span> committee deserve special recognition. Ordering Information Copies <span class="highlight">of</span> this publication are available for $12.50 each, plus shipping and handling charges. California residents are charged sales tax. Orders may be sent to CDE Press, Sales Office, California Department <span class="highlight">of</span> Education, 1430 N Street, Suite 3207, Sacramento, CA 95814-5901, FAX (916) 323- 0823. See page 86 for complete information on payment, including credit card purchases, and an order blank. Prices on all publications are
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Glossary active voice A verb form <span class="highlight">in</span> which the subject <span class="highlight">of</span> the verb carries out some action. Example: He hit the ball. affix A bound (nonword) morpheme that changes the meaning or function <span class="highlight">of</span> a root or stem to which it is attached, such as the prefix <span class="highlight">ad</span>-and the suffix -ing <span class="highlight">in</span> adjoining. alliteration The repetition <span class="highlight">of</span> the same sound, usually <span class="highlight">of</span> a consonant, at the begin- ning <span class="highlight">of</span> two or more words immediately succeeding each other or at short intervals. Example: The repetition <span class="highlight">of</span> f and g <span class="highlight">in</span> fields
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GLOSSARY appeal to pathos (pity) appositive archetypal criticism archetype attack <span class="highlight">ad</span> hominem bandwagon base word blend boundary climax clustering complement A common fallacy <span class="highlight">in</span> arguments, the <span class="highlight">ad</span> misericordiam approach is a special case <span class="highlight">of</span> the appeal to emotion <span class="highlight">in</span> which the altruism and mercy <span class="highlight">of</span> the audience are the special emotions to which the speaker appeals. A word or phrase that restates or modifies an immediately preceding noun. Note: An appositive is often useful as a context clue
 Social Studies Curriculum Framework
54 History: History 5-8 Social Studies Curriculum Framework Revised 2006 Arkansas Department of Education Amended November 2007 Key: H.6.5.19 = History. Standard 6. Grade 5. 19 th Student Learning Expectation Strand: History Standard 6: History Students shall analyze significant ideas, event...
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54 History: History 5-8 Social Studies Curriculum Framework Revised 2006 Arkansas Department of Education Amended November 2007 Key: H.6.5.19 = History. Standard 6. Grade 5. 19 th Student Learning Expectation Strand: History Standard 6: History Students shall analyze significant ideas, events, and people in world, national, state, and local history and how they affect change over time. THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY IN ALL REQUIREMENTS AT CURRENT AND PREVIOUS GRADES. Grade 5 Grade
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54 History: History 5-8 Social Studies Curriculum Framework Revised 2006 Arkansas Department <span class="highlight">of</span> Education Amended November 2007 Key: H.6.5.19 = History. Standard 6. Grade 5. 19 th Student Learning Expectation Strand: History Standard 6: History Students shall analyze significant ideas, events, and people <span class="highlight">in</span> world, national, state, and local history and how they affect change over time. THE GOAL FOR EACH STUDENT IS PROFICIENCY <span class="highlight">IN</span> ALL REQUIREMENTS AT <span class="highlight">CURRENT</span> AND PREVIOUS GRADES. Grade 5 Grade
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c. Describe how the rise and decline of military power, state bureaucracy, legal codes, belief systems, written languages, and communications and trade networks affected societies. World History Standards Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD) 6....
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c. Describe how the rise and decline of military power, state bureaucracy, legal codes, belief systems, written languages, and communications and trade networks affected societies. World History Standards Era 4: Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 AD) 6.5.11 Understand feudalism and the rise of the Christian church a dominant factor in Medieval Europe. a. Identify the spread of Christian belief in Europe. b. Diagram the social structure of medieval society. c. Explain the
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civilizations. &bull; 5.05 Understand the place <span class="highlight">of</span> historical events <span class="highlight">in</span> the context <span class="highlight">of</span> past, present and future. &bull; 5.06 Identify how to use historical information acquired from a variety <span class="highlight">of</span> sources. World History Standards Era 3: Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 <span class="highlight">AD</span>) &bull; 5.07 Recognize the influence <span class="highlight">of</span> major religions between both ancient eastern and western cultures. &bull; 5.08 Understand the place <span class="highlight">of</span> historical events <span class="highlight">in</span> the context <span class="highlight">of</span> past, present, and future. &bull; 5.09 Identify
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c. Describe how the rise and decline <span class="highlight">of</span> military power, state bureaucracy, legal codes, belief systems, written languages, and communications and trade <span class="highlight">networks</span> affected societies. World History Standards Era 4: Expanding Zones <span class="highlight">of</span> Exchange and Encounter (300AD-1000 <span class="highlight">AD</span>) 6.5.11 Understand feudalism and the rise <span class="highlight">of</span> the Christian church a dominant factor <span class="highlight">in</span> Medieval Europe. a. Identify the spread <span class="highlight">of</span> Christian belief <span class="highlight">in</span> Europe. b. Diagram the social structure <span class="highlight">of</span> medieval society. c. Explain the
36 Chemistry: Nature of Science Science Framework Revision 2005 Arkansas Department of Education Key: NS.34.C.1 = Nature of Science. Standard 34. Chemistry. 1 st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Nature of Science Standard 34: Students shall demonstrate an understan...
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36 Chemistry: Nature of Science Science Framework Revision 2005 Arkansas Department of Education Key: NS.34.C.1 = Nature of Science. Standard 34. Chemistry. 1 st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Nature of Science Standard 34: Students shall demonstrate an understanding of the current theories in chemistry. NS.34.C.1 Recognize that theories are scientific explanations that require empirical data, verification, and peer review NS.34.C.2 Understand that scientific
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36 Chemistry: Nature <span class="highlight">of</span> Science Science Framework Revision 2005 Arkansas Department <span class="highlight">of</span> Education Key: NS.34.C.1 = Nature <span class="highlight">of</span> Science. Standard 34. Chemistry. 1 st Student Learning Expectation Strand: Nature <span class="highlight">of</span> Science Standard 34: Students shall demonstrate an understanding <span class="highlight">of</span> the <span class="highlight">current</span> theories <span class="highlight">in</span> chemistry. NS.34.C.1 Recognize that theories are scientific explanations that require empirical data, verification, and peer <span class="highlight">review</span> NS.34.C.2 Understand that scientific
 Microsoft Word - IAF_Soc_Sci_9_2007.rtf
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empires. 16.11.67 Identify how the spread of different religions influenced political and social conditions in various regions (e.g., geographic distribution of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism to 1000 AD; how the beliefs of Christianity, Judais...
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empires. 16.11.67 Identify how the spread of different religions influenced political and social conditions in various regions (e.g., geographic distribution of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism to 1000 AD; how the beliefs of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism have influenced the development of different societies). 16.5.71 Identify basic achievements and contributions of Mayan, Aztec, and Incan society (e.g., in astronomy, mathematics, the
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that religious beliefs spread <span class="highlight">in</span> the ancient world. 16.8.60 Identify the spread <span class="highlight">of</span> Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism through the Mediterranean region, the Middle East, and Asia. 16.5.60 Identify basic political, social, and cultural causes <span class="highlight">of</span> the decline <span class="highlight">of</span> the Roman Empire. 16.8.61 Identify the causes <span class="highlight">of</span> the decline <span class="highlight">of</span> the Roman Empire (e.g., tribal migration and <span class="highlight">attacks</span>, loss <span class="highlight">of</span> trade, and other threats to the cohesion <span class="highlight">of</span> the Empire). 16.5.61 Know that the Eastern Roman
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empires. 16.11.67 Identify how the spread <span class="highlight">of</span> different religions influenced political and social conditions <span class="highlight">in</span> various regions (e.g., geographic distribution <span class="highlight">of</span> Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism to 1000 <span class="highlight">AD</span>; how the beliefs <span class="highlight">of</span> Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism have influenced the development <span class="highlight">of</span> different societies). 16.5.71 Identify basic achievements and contributions <span class="highlight">of</span> Mayan, Aztec, and Incan society (e.g., <span class="highlight">in</span> astronomy, mathematics, the
1 2 3 4 5 6