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 Strand 1: Reading Process (Kindergarten)
clarity, and relevancy of functional text. PO 1. Locate specific information from functional text (e.g., letters, memos, directories, menus, schedules, pamphlets, search engines, signs, manuals, instructions, recipes, labels, forms). PO 2. Interpret details functional text for a sp...
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clarity, and relevancy of functional text. PO 1. Locate specific information from functional text (e.g., letters, memos, directories, menus, schedules, pamphlets, search engines, signs, manuals, instructions, recipes, labels, forms). PO 2. Interpret details functional text for a specific purpose (e.g., to follow directions, to solve problems, to perform procedures, to answer questions). Concept 3: Persuasive Text Explain basic elements of argument in text and their relationship to the author’s
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clarity, and relevancy of functional text. PO 1. Locate specific information from functional text (e.g., letters, memos, directories, menus, schedules, pamphlets, <span class="highlight">search</span> <span class="highlight">engines</span>, signs, manuals, instructions, recipes, labels, forms). PO 2. Interpret details functional text for a specific purpose (e.g., to follow directions, to solve problems, to perform procedures, to answer questions). Concept 3: Persuasive Text Explain basic elements of argument in text and their relationship to the author&rsquo;s