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Echegaray, Jose Biography
Ana Perfecta Estrada; they had one daughter. After a short period as a practicing engineer, Echegaray taught mathematics until 1868. Echegaray's papers and treatments appeared in El Imparcial, the Revista contemporánea, Ilustración española y americana, the Diario de la...
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E�a de Queir�s Jos� Maria
forty-one, he married Emília de Resende, the sister of his friend Count Luís Resende. In the late 1880s, Eça de Queirós founded with others Revista de Portugal which appeared in 1889-92. In 1888, he was appointed consul in Paris, where he served until his death. I...
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Ortega y Gasset Jos�
José Ortega y Gasset Choose another writer in this calendar: by name: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z by birthday from the calendar. Credits and feedback TimeSearch for Books and Writers by Bamber Gascoigne José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1956) Spanish philo...
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Mart� Jos�
land," he wrote to his friend Fermín Valdés, "but a thousand times I hold back what love for her demands so that it does not seem that I do it out of self-interest or to win renown." Martí moved in 1875 to Mexico, where wrote for Revista Universal. He then...
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Quiroga Horacio
Pillow') Horacio Quiroga was born at Salto on the River Uruguay, into a middle-class family. When Horacio was an infant, his father, an Argentinian consular official, was killed accidentally in a shooting incident The family moved to Córdoba, returned to Salto a few years later, and event...
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Vicente Aleixandre (1898-1984)
published by friends in 1926 in the magazine Revista de Occidente. The next year Aleixandre settled in a small villa on the northern outskirts of Madrid, where he spent the rest of his life. Aleixandre's early works, which appeared in 'little magazines' flourishing throughout Spain, were wri...
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Gadda Carlo Emilio
Question in the Works of Gadda and Pasolini by Laurie Jane Anderson (1977); Introduzione allo studio di Carlo Emilio Gadda by R.S. Dombroski (1973); 'Moral Commitment and Invention in Gadda's Poetics' by R.S. Dombroski, in Revista di Letterature Moderne Comparete 25, no. 3 (1972); 'Gadda, Pas...
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Machado de Assis Joaquim Maria
debt to the British writer Laurence Sterne (1713-1768) and the French novelist and travel writer Xavier de Maistre (1763-1852). Machado's stories have also been compared to those of Henry James in their psychological depth. The use of an unreliable first-person narrator, multiple perspectives, phil...
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Neruda Pablo
international fame as an writer with Veinte poemas de amor y una canciòn desesperada (1924), which is his most widely read work. At the age of only 23 Neruda was appointed by the Chilean government as consul to Burma (now Myanmar). He held diplomatic posts in various East Asian and European...
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Reyes Alfonso
CORRESPONDENCIA REYES-PAZ Anthony Stanton recoge todas las cartas que intercambiaron don Alfonso y Octavio Paz. La diferencia de edades era de 25 años, de ninguna manera un obstáculo para la amistad. Cuando Paz empezaba su carrera literaria entre los Contemporáneos, Reyes ya te...
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