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 Watershed Education: National Leadership Forum Report
and so constituency and public support is not only lost but never really rallied. Indeed, the highly complex geographic nature of watersheds — their contours, their large size, and their non-adherence to traditional political boundaries — makes them inherently difficult to comprehend. Th...
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and so constituency and public support is not only lost but never really rallied. Indeed, the highly complex geographic nature of watersheds — their contours, their large size, and their non-adherence to traditional political boundaries — makes them inherently difficult to comprehend. They are hard to visualize even by those few Americans familiar with contour maps and physiographic features and they are nearly impossible to grasp by those who never see a contour map or ever think about how the land is formed
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and so constituency and public support is not only lost but never really rallied. Indeed, the highly complex geographic nature of watersheds &mdash; their contours, their large size, and their non-adherence to traditional political boundaries &mdash; makes them inherently difficult to comprehend. They are hard to visualize even by those few Americans familiar with <span class="highlight">contour</span> <span class="highlight">maps</span> and physiographic features and they are nearly impossible to grasp by those who never see a <span class="highlight">contour</span> map or ever think about how the land is formed